
Friday 12 May 2017

BEST AND WORST NEW TRACKS OF THE WEEK 11/05/2017: LCD Soundsystem, Ho99o9, Lil Yachty and more...

More music from the undisputed best blog in the universe. Better than Martian blogs. Even xenomorph blogs can’t compete.


‘American Dream’ – LCD Soundsystem

It’s been a while since these moody electro-rockers graced us with their music. Despite the euphoric tenor of the opening synths (they’re almost Christmassy) the timbres are very much cold and steely and the lyrics aren’t exactly cheery, describing casual sex as if it were Victorian coal mine work. If the track is truly a picture of the American Dream, then it’s Lady Liberty in all her glory, with bags under her eyes and cellulite and clinical depression.

‘Tongue’ – Pero Pero

The tight rock riffs drew me in but watching the duo transform into lizards certainly added to the thrills. My old piano teacher always told me a good musician needs scales behind them, but I never thought to take it literally. An album titled Lizards is in the pipeline which means we hopefully won’t have to wait long to hear more from this Berlin-based demented duo.

‘War is Hell’ – Ho99o9

Ho99o9 (pronounced 'Horror') are pretty much a more accessible Death Grips, although not so accessible that your grandmother would comfortably listen to them. The distorted bass, shrieked vocals and fucked-up guitar sampling are still a massive gut-punch to even a hardened noise-hop listener like myself. Their message against police brutality also comes three days after the shooting of a 15-year-old boy in San Diego giving the track extra impact.

‘Soap’ – Deem Spencer

Bringing down the pace somewhat, this single from Queens rapper Deem Spencer is ancient in blogging terms (it was released in January) but I couldn’t just let it slide. Sporting a pensive sleepy flow and some effortlessly poetic lyricism, Deem’s style is one of a hypnotist that lured you in and keeps you entranced. Combine the cadence of Isaiah Rashad and the riddle-spinning capability of Earl Sweatshirt and you have an idea of what to expect.

‘Fireworks’ – Miles From Kinshasa

This London-based r&b artist was born in Kinshasa in the Republic of Congo, hence the name Miles From Kinshasa. ‘Fireworks’ sees him delivering a smooth Sampha-like croon over warm synth swells and steady electronic percussion. It’s urban r&b of the highest order.


‘Bring It Back’ – Lil Yachty

With its 80s power ballad percussion, I guess this is Lil Yachty’s attempt to go old skool and ‘bring it back’. The off-key off-beat auto-tune still makes it utterly unlistenable, but props to him for trying something new.