Saturday 18 May 2013

Review of "Random Access Memories" by Daft Punk


The French, electronic, robot duo have put aside their turntables in exchange for raw instrumentation, taking on a more laid-back disco vibe. 

The album takes us back in time to the beginnings of electronic dance music, containing a mixture of slow funky numbers and epic, sprawling synthesizer symphonies that pay tribute to the genre's roots.

Its good to see that Daft Punk have clung onto their signature vocoder melodies, and the choruses on this album cannot be faulted for lacking catchiness, however there feels like a real lack of dynamics and punchiness, making many of the tracks unsuitable for the current club scene. Personally, I miss the thumping house beats and choppy sampling of Homework and Discovery, as I felt they were a vital part of what made this group so danceable and uniquely groovy. Instead, Random Access Memories is best served as a pre-drinking accompaniment. Slip this album on before a night out and unwind to it.