Friday 1 March 2019

BEST AND WORST NEW TRACKS OF THE WEEK 01/03/2019: Gesaffelstein, Higher Brothers, Andy Lambert and more...

This week, Pharrell Williams sings over dark synths and Andy Lambert sounds like Sam Smith.


‘Blast Off’ – Gesaffelstein ft. Pharrell Williams

I wasn’t keen on Gesaffelstein’s recent collaboration with The Weeknd, but this new track with Pharrell has me hooked. The frosty eighties synths work surprisingly well with Pharrell’s falsettos (I’ve never heard the 'Happy' singer over such dark instrumentation). The production may be a detour from the French producer’s industrial techno roots, but it’s still authentically gloomy and cinematic. I’ve added it to my playlist of ‘Songs To Listen To Whilst Driving At Night With Shades On’.

 ‘One Punch Man’ – Higher Brothers ft. Denzel Curry

This song is by no means perfect – Ski Mask the Slump God recycles his verse from another song and the Higher Brothers should probably stick to rapping in Chinese. Nonetheless, the menacing oriental beat and Denzel’s hi-octane verse compensate for this, resulting in a mean banger. I’ve added it to my playlist of ‘Songs To Listen To Whilst Cutting Vegetables For A Stir Fry Using A Katana’.  

‘Green’ – Good Days

Having already featured ‘Yellow’ on this blog, it’s now time to hear ‘Green’ – the latest single from NY band Good Days from their exciting project ROYGBIV, which sees the band going through the colour spectrum whilst writing and recording songs under different coloured lighting in order to see the effect on the sound. ‘Green’ has a lush and lively feel as the result of its energetic percussion and layered guitars. I’ve added it to my playlist of ‘Songs To Listen To Whilst Jumping Around My Lawn Dressed Like Kermit The Frog As The Neighbours Watch In Deep Concern’.

‘Pesticide’ – The Gallery

This is the type of loud and gritty mosh-friendly indie rock that’s been missing recently. The sinister opening riff had me immediately hooked and I’m loving the explosion from the tense verse to the yelled chorus. I’m looking forward to hearing more raucous anthems from these Yorkshire lads in the future and have added this song to my playlist of ‘Songs To Exterminate Pests To If I Was An Exterminator, But I’m Not, Because I Love All Of God’s Creatures’.

‘Downer Hound’ – Noisem

Baltimore metal band Noisem are certainly noisy. Everything has been mixed to sound as loud as possible here from the Slayer-like riffage to the angry drums whilst still sounding crisp. The band have a new album coming out called to Cease To Exist – if the tracks are all this loud, I may need a hearing aid afterwards. This track unfortunately isn’t on Spotify, but if it was I’d add it to my playlist of ‘Songs To Unblock My Ears’.  


Feel Something - Adam Lambert

Adam Lambert may have the vocal talent to match Freddie Mercury, but he certainly doesn’t have the imagination. This solo single sounds like something Sam Smith would churn out and I struggle to feel any kind of emotion whilst listening to it. I’ve added it to my playlist of ‘Songs To Listen To When I’ve Ran Out Of Sleeping Pills’.