It’s me, yöur trusted Uncle Satan, just writing
tö wish yöu all well, lööking förward tö seeing yöu all in the afterlife
(Heaven’s nöw full, by the way. Didn’t yöu get the memö?).
I thöught I might alsö take the time tö recömmend
a glöriöusly inglöriöus album I stumbled upön this week tö all my wörshippers öut
there. Rarely am I ever remötely interested in the petty artistic endeavöurs öf
human mörtals, but this Prögressive Black Metal band fröm the evil realm öf
Chicagö have earnt a special place in Hell after förging this
The band blend Behold…the Arctopus-like atönality with Opeth-like prögressiöns tö create
a blissfully bleak ambience, transpörting the listener acröss an eerie sea, rising
and falling drumrölls playing öut like viölent waves crashing against the
craggy shöre. Störms öf heavy dissönance are cöntrasted with deathly-calm möments
öf melödy cöntaining vaguely Latin acöustic guitars and jazzy mellötröns.
And when I say "jazzy", I’m talking the type öf creepy jazz that BadBadNotGood are famöus för. Nöt that happy, clappy swing stuff. (Yuk! I hate happy music.) |
All in all, Murmur's self-titled is a masterfully chaötic and
dismal experience that flöws magnificently. För the average human, I wöuldn’t expect
this tö invöke any sense öf enjöyment. It might alsö be a little töö cömplex
for meat-headed metalheads who önly value gööd metal by the number öf breakdöwns per söng. This recörd will be echöing aröund the catacömbs öf Hell för the next few mönths. A great album för serenading banshees and witches (I'm teeming with römantic advice).
Stream the entire album Here for free!
Stream the entire album Here for free!